Putting together your application file in oder to get an “Eiffel scholarship” (Bourse Eiffel)


Choosing a higher education institution suiting my study planIn the context of a Eiffel scholarship application, you will have to choose only one institution. Études France will help you make a choice by examining the various opportunities offered to you, in terms of your study background, and makes sure that the chosen programme fits your project.


Convicing the institution I choseIn the context of a Eiffel scholarship application, you will have to choose only one institution. Études France will help you make a choice by examining the various opportunities offered to you, in terms of your study background, and makes sure that the chosen programme fits your project.


Putting together my Campus France application file (if you convinced the chosen institution)In the context of a Eiffel scholarship application, you will have to choose only one institution. Études France will help you make a choice by examining the various opportunities offered to you, in terms of your study background, and makes sure that the chosen programme fits your project.

Your application file must then be completed by the institution you applied to.

Your consultant will support you in every step of your application. So you will get advice from an expert and maximise the chances of being awarded the Bourse Eiffel.

Engineer or Master’s degree

Price : 250 €


Price: 300 €


Études France benefits:

  • Personnalised advice from our consultants all the way through.
Études France